How to select a cupola for a gazebo?

When considering a gazebo cupola, there are a few key considerations when determining which cupola to buy. A first consideration is the size of the gazebo. Typically, you can take a gazebo’s width and multiply it by 1.25 or 1.5 to get an general idea on what size base you should get. For example, if your gazebo is 14 feet wide, a cupola with a base of about 20 inches would be ideal.

Another consideration for your gazebo cupola is whether you want the cupola louvered or windowed in the midsection. All depending on the type of cupola, some consumers use the louvered midsection for ventilation purposes to allow heat to escape from the top of the gazebo. We offer a nice mesh screen product to prevent bees and wasps from getting inside the cupola and building nests. Some customers prefer a windowed midsection and install a light or any other decorative accent to the cupola and gazebo.

A third consideration is whether you want a pagoda top or bell top roof on the cupola. This is purely based on customer preference. Some customers put a finial or weathervane on the cupola and either a bell topped or pagoda topped cupola will service this well. This again is purely a customer preference. A finial or weathervane can help ease the transition from the rooftop of the gazebo cupola to the sky. But this is a preference of the customer.

We offer both windowed and louvered and bell topped and pagoda topped cupolas. We offer these in vinyl and we also offer a wood cupola. Either vinyl or wood cupolas can be painted or stained to whatever color you want. Some of our more traditional cupolas for gazebos are the Villa, Salisbury, Pinnacle, and Kingston. These offer all of the features mentioned above are very common atop a gazebo as they are octagonal. Any of our octagonal cupolas would sit atop a gazebo nicely and add a style and charm.

Not only do consumers put cupolas on gazebos, they also put them on pavilions, pergolas, and any other type of accent structure. The beauty, style, and curb appeal they add are an ideal addition to any building. Many people also add them for ventilation on the rooftop of a building. You will get your neighbors and passer-bys talking by adding one of our cupolas on the rooftop of any building you have. With cupolas made of vinyl, primed pine, red cedar, or copper, we are certain to have the cupola you are looking for.

Contact us today with any questions you have. We look forward to working with you on your project.

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